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Stores In Fortaleza Joaquim Távora Brazil

Here you will find in the city of Fortaleza, wholesale, retail and all kinds of trade in several areas. The important thing here is to do business!
Rei dos Mares Pescados
The "Sea King Fishing" is a company engaged in the business of selling and distribution of fish, seafood, shellfish and fresh or frozen crustaceans to the retail and wholesale sector. With a high standard of personalized service, providing them with quality products and excellence. Highlights include the sale of shrimp and fish fillet.
Rei dos Mares Pescados
The "Sea King Fishing" is a company engaged in the business of selling and distribution of fish, seafood, shellfish and fresh or frozen crustaceans to the retail and wholesale sector. With a high standard of personalized service, providing them with quality products and excellence. Highlights include the sale of shrimp and fish fillet.