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Stores In Fortaleza Jardim Guanabara Brazil

Here you will find in the city of Fortaleza, wholesale, retail and all kinds of trade in several areas. The important thing here is to do business!
Barra Máquinas
Barramaq was founded in 2005 and started operating in sales of machines, pieces and accessories for factories in Fortaleza. Today, we work with every machine for every kind of industry. We carry all types of automatized machines, such as sewing, laser cut, embroidery, etc.
Barra Máquinas
Barramaq was founded in 2005 and started operating in sales of machines, pieces and accessories for factories in Fortaleza. Today, we work with every machine for every kind of industry. We carry all types of automatized machines, such as sewing, laser cut, embroidery, etc.